
Saturday, December 10, 2011

A Simple Holiday Mantle

Well, there isn’t much to say about the mantle, I went pretty simple this year!

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C and I took a walk last week and snipped the ends off a few trees to bulk up our greenery. We also found a ton of pine cones all over the ground, so we brought those home as well!

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I couldn’t think of anything to put next to my wreath so I just wrapped a few picture frames. I almost panicked because I didn’t have any white paper… until I realized the back of wrapping paper is white.

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I have no clue what the thing underneath the wreath is, it was sitting in our garage when we bought the house. I’ve kept it around ever since thinking I would find a use for it. I was going to spray paint it but when I put it on the mantle to make sure it would fit, the colors matched! I threw my hands up and just went with it.

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These stocking holders were another great Dollar Store find!

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Our first holiday card of the year!

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