
Thursday, December 1, 2011

Christmas is coming!

Okay I admit it, I’m a Christmas junkie. I would sing Christmas music all year long and never take down the decorations if M would allow it. Which he won't. And people wouldn’t think I’m insane. Which they would. One year I did leave them up until Valentine's Day...

That being said, one of my favorite parts about the holiday season is actually setting up all of my décor. To be more specific, opening up all the boxes! Since I love to buy new stuff during the after-Christmas sales and pack it up with all my old stuff, by the time Christmas rolls around the next year I’ve completely forgotten what I purchased. It makes opening up the boxes feel like Christmas morning! I get so excited and love that little feeling of happiness every time I see something “new.”

Won’t you join me in this year's discovery?

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This was the last box I packed up so I knew it was going to have a bunch of fun new stuff…

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I honestly couldn't remember what this was…

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Oooh I’m starting to recall…

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Oh right! I absolutely loved this vase. Plus, it was 75% off at Hobby Lobby, can’t beat that! How fun! What’s next?

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I always try to label boxes when I pack them up, it helps me find things. Last year I decided that I’d try a super colorful holiday so for the first time I bought a TON of purple, pink, green, and teal ornaments after Christmas. I was so excited to open the box and see all those colors…

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I definitely wasn’t disappointed! Check out these super fun ornaments!

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Of course it’s always great to find old ornaments you didn't even know you had. Like this one that my momma passed on to me last year…

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Or the ornament that my bff and I both have so we can hang throughout the holidays, even when we aren’t actually together. I miss her tons!

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Or my sweet baby’s first ornament. I immediately fell in love with this one and actually paid FULL PRICE for it (I know, shocker)!

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Well ladies and gents, that is my first post of the holidays. I can’t wait to see all this beautiful décor up around the house and share the rest of my Christmas with you!



  1. Okay, I love this post! And Garden Ridge, duh, that's where I need to go tomorrow, totally forgot about it! Wonder if it's picked over now!??! I'm so glad I stopped by! I'm your newest follower!!

    XO, Aimee from

  2. Hey! I was there when you picked out a couple of those ornaments ;p Miss you!


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