
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

A new look!

Have you noticed the fresh, new look on my blog? I'm so much happier with it! I decided since I'm spending all this time and energy trying to make my home look streamlined and fabulous, I might as well take a little extra effort to do the same for my blog!

Of course, the first thing you probably noticed is the beautiful header. When I started looking for a header for the blog, I knew I wanted it to match the background I was already using since I absolutely adore the pattern and colors. I also wanted it to be fun and pretty, and above all, free! So I was thrilled to stumble onto The Cutest Blog on the Block, full of adorable, free blog templates! I grabbed my fav and attached it to my blog and voila! A beautiful new header!

Okay, it wasn't quite that simple. It was actually fairly complicated, and took hours. That's not an exaggeration. The amount of time spent on this from the beginning of search to the finished product was literally hours. About half the day, in fact (though I did take nice long breaks to walk to puppy and play with C).

Credit for the actual process must be given to Living, Laughing, and Loving's Beautify Your Blog series. She walks you through the entire process step-by-step, making a complicated process super easy. I am so grateful that she thought to create a series of posts specifically designed for the blog newbies! I used her tips for everything from creating a signature, to downloading fonts.

The beautiful new font I'm using is from Kevin and Amanda, an entire site dedicated to free fonts. I am so happy with all the fun new fonts on my computer! I also spent a little time adjusting the colors and format of the blog itself, to blend the new header with the background.

Last but not least is my first ever blog signature. I wanted it to look like the way I actually sign letters and cards, and it does! I'm so happy with the new look of my blog, it's so cute and fun, exactly what I want it to be! What do you think? Do you like the updated version, or did you prefer it before?



  1. Wowsa! Thanks for the shout out, and HELLO?! Your blog does NOT look like a newbie blog at all. It's looking awesome!! Great job!! Super fab!! Glad the tutorials helped!!!

  2. Since you are just starting out, I have to share a post I did a while back on Blogging 101!!
    I know the whole blogging process and world can be a bit overwhelming at first, but it looks like you're doing a great job!

  3. Thanks so much! This was only post #6, the blog has only been up a week or two. I am having so much fun with it, and I can't wait to get more posts up! Btw I LOVE your blog! :)

  4. Your new blog look is great! I love the design and colors!


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